CAx12 Class Reference

Ax12 module (Servo motor, Hardware Abstraction). More...

#include <wrapper.h>

Inheritance diagram for CAx12:

CAx CIdentifiable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CAx12 ()
void readFromRobot ()
 Reads servo motor information from robot into data.
void writeToRobot (byte schedule=0)
 Writes servo motor information from data to robot.
bool rangeError ()
 Indicates if an out-of-bounds error occurred.
void setTargetAngle (float angle_in_degree)
void setTargetAngleMinMax (float min, float max)
float getTargetAngle ()
float getCurrentAngle ()
void setCurrentAngle (float angle_in_degree)
void setTargetToCurrentAngle ()
void setSpeedLimit (unsigned int limit)
unsigned int getSpeedLimit ()
unsigned int getCurrentSpeed ()
void controlSpeed (float targetPosition, float time, int speedMax=1023)
void setTorqueLimit (unsigned int limit)
unsigned int getTorqueLimit ()
int getCurrentTorque ()
void controlTorque (float targetPosition, float time, unsigned int torqueMax=1023)

Public Attributes

CController torquePID
CController speedPID
float angleSign
 Should be +1.0 (clockwise, standard value) or -1.0 (counterclockwise).
byte data [AX12_DATA_READ]
 Stores servo motor information (Current and target angle, torque, speed).
bool checkRange
 Indicates if out-of-bound error should be produced.
bool useCurrentAngle
 Indicates if current or target angle should be used to test out-of-bound errors.

Private Attributes

float angleMin
 Lower bound for valid angles (in degree).
float angleMax
 Upper bound for valid angles (in degree).
float angleErrorCurrent
float angleErrorTarget
 Target angle (in degree) that produces the last out-of-bounds error.
bool angleError
 Indicates if an out-of-bounds error occured.
unsigned long timestamp
 Timestamp of last angle update.
float oldAngles [OLDANGLESCOUNT]
 Cyclic buffer of past target angles.
int oldAnglesIndex
 Current index in cyclic buffer.

Detailed Description

Ax12 module (Servo motor, Hardware Abstraction).

After calling readFromRobot, the current state of the servo module is accessible through the get-functions. The current values can be changed via the set-functions and can be written to the robot by calling writeToRobot.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CAx12::CAx12 (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void CAx12::readFromRobot (  ) 

Reads servo motor information from robot into data.

void CAx12::writeToRobot ( byte  schedule = 0  ) 

Writes servo motor information from data to robot.

bool CAx12::rangeError (  ) 

Indicates if an out-of-bounds error occurred.

void CAx12::setTargetAngle ( float  angle_in_degree  ) 

void CAx12::setTargetAngleMinMax ( float  min,
float  max 

float CAx12::getTargetAngle (  ) 

float CAx12::getCurrentAngle (  ) 

void CAx12::setCurrentAngle ( float  angle_in_degree  ) 

void CAx12::setTargetToCurrentAngle (  ) 

void CAx12::setSpeedLimit ( unsigned int  limit  ) 

unsigned int CAx12::getSpeedLimit (  ) 

unsigned int CAx12::getCurrentSpeed (  ) 

void CAx12::controlSpeed ( float  targetPosition,
float  time,
int  speedMax = 1023 

void CAx12::setTorqueLimit ( unsigned int  limit  ) 

unsigned int CAx12::getTorqueLimit (  ) 

int CAx12::getCurrentTorque (  ) 

void CAx12::controlTorque ( float  targetPosition,
float  time,
unsigned int  torqueMax = 1023 

Member Data Documentation

float CAx12::angleMin [private]

Lower bound for valid angles (in degree).

float CAx12::angleMax [private]

Upper bound for valid angles (in degree).

float CAx12::angleErrorCurrent [private]

float CAx12::angleErrorTarget [private]

Target angle (in degree) that produces the last out-of-bounds error.

bool CAx12::angleError [private]

Indicates if an out-of-bounds error occured.

unsigned long CAx12::timestamp [private]

Timestamp of last angle update.

float CAx12::oldAngles[OLDANGLESCOUNT] [private]

Cyclic buffer of past target angles.

int CAx12::oldAnglesIndex [private]

Current index in cyclic buffer.

CController CAx12::torquePID

CController CAx12::speedPID

float CAx12::angleSign

Should be +1.0 (clockwise, standard value) or -1.0 (counterclockwise).

byte CAx12::data[AX12_DATA_READ]

Stores servo motor information (Current and target angle, torque, speed).

bool CAx12::checkRange

Indicates if out-of-bound error should be produced.

bool CAx12::useCurrentAngle

Indicates if current or target angle should be used to test out-of-bound errors.

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Generated on Mon Apr 21 23:27:43 2008 for BioloidControl by  doxygen 1.5.2