Bioloid Control



Check out the project into a directory of your choice. The main folder consists of four directories: The main program runs both on Linux and Windows platforms. Since the Robot Terminal is a Windows program, I use Programmers Notepad 2 along with WinAVR (see the Bioloid User Manual) to build the μC program. In order to use the program with your robot you have to build the custom firmware and write it to the robot, compile the OpenGL-Viewer and build the main program:

Custom Firmware (controller)

Note: If you want to use the program without a robot, you can skip this step.

Change into the directory controller and open the file: include/constants.h. Change AX12_COUNT from the default value 18 to the number of ax12 servos connected to your cm-5. Save the file then recompile the program: Now follow the steps in the Bioloid User Manual to write the custom firmware controller/RobotWrapper.hex to the robot.

OpenGL Viewer (viewer)

Change into the directory viewer and: You can start the viewer with ./viewer (Linux) respectively viewer.exe (Windows).

Main Program (main)

Change into the directory main and open the file: include/wrapper.h. Change AX12_COUNT from the default value 18 to the number of ax12 servos connected to your CM-5 and change AXS1_COUNT to the number of sensor modules connected to your CM-5 (default is 1). Save the file.

If you're using Linux and don't want to use ncurses you have to disable it by editing src/cmd.cpp. Change _SIMPLECONSOLE to SIMPLECONSOLE.

Now recompile the program: